Have you heard?


A Finnish visitor’s story:

I lived at a farm, where there were animals of all kind. Our house and the yard were big, so this is where all the children in the village gathered to play. During the war we had a Soviet prisoner of war who helped my parents on the farm and in his free time he played with us kids. One day as we were outside playing the prisoner started to run fast towards the forest. We got worried as we thought the prisoner was going to run away! But all of a sudden he turned as he was running and yelled: Baaaah!We realized that he was on his way to get the sheep that was grazing on the edge of the wood. And in a moment he was back with the sheep on a rope.

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How do I get to Degerby from Helsinki?

Degerby is situated only 45 km to the west from Helsinki. There are regular busses going to and from Degerby every day. You can also order a minivan that will pick you up at a place of your own choise. Read more here!

Current theme

Summer season starts at Igor in 2024

Please look at Degerby Igor museum facebook

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